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Korea’s candlelight for peace in Seoul ahead of Trump’s visit

평화의 촛불을 미국에서도 밝힙니다
글쓴이 : 시몬천 날짜 : 2017-10-31 (화) 12:15:00


트럼프 대통령이 한국을 방문합니다. 미국의 거대한 핵자산(核資産)들이 한반도에 집중하고 있습니다. 미국 핵 잠수함, 전략 폭격기, 항모전단이 한반도를 들락날락 합니다. 이것이 나라입니까? 주권국가 입니까? 전 세계에서 지금 이렇게 미국의 핵전쟁 위협을 받고 있는 나라 있습니까?


문재인 정부는 적폐 청산을 외치고 있습니다. 대한민국에서 가장 큰 적폐는 바로 현재 한반도를 둘러싼 전쟁 위협입니다. 트럼프 대통령의 전쟁 위협, 아베의 군국주의, 오직 대북 강경론으로 일관하는 한미일 동맹이 바로 적폐입니다.


76%의 고공 지지율을 가진 문재인 대통령이 트럼프에 분명히 대한민국의 주권을 행사하고 미국에 외교를 촉구해야 합니다. 문재인 정부와 모든 시민 단체, 국회의원들은 단결해서 트럼프 대통령 방문때 전쟁 결사 반대와 평화의 뜻을 보여야 합니다.


전 세계 언론이 서울을 주목할때 평화 운동을 보여 줍시다. 현재 미국내에선 시민 평화 단체들이 한반도 평화를 위해 노력을 하고 있습니다. 미국 의회도 트럼프 전쟁을 막기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.


문정현 신부님께서 광화문에서 밝히고자 하시는 평화의 촛불을 이곳 미국에서 밝힙니다. 조국을 사랑하고 그리워 하는 많은 우리 재미 교포 동포 여러분들님 함께 평화의 촛불을 밝혀 주십시오


--시몬 천 드림




Where there is darkness, light!


Dear Friendan update for peace in the Korean Peninsula. Stop Mr. Trump's and Abe's threat of military option in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia! Diplomacy Now! Please help us.


Mr. Trump’s 12-day trip to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, and the Philippines.

Mr. Trump’s hardline position: advocating maximum pressure and sanction against North Korea, rhetoric to “totally destroy” North Korea if provoked, “all options” that include military force.

Mr. Abe’s position: strong support for Trump’s “all options” and “maximum pressure North Korea policy that includes the possible use of military force, and stated that “more dialogue with North Korea would be a dead end”

President Moon Jae-in of South Korea (76% approval rating by people in South Korea): strongly oppose any use of military force on the Korean Peninsula. More than 80 percent of Koreans want diplomacy with North Korea. The South Koran President Moon Jae-in said that he will NOT allow another Korean War. Please tell Mr. Trump to respect the wishes of people in Korea and Northeast Asia!


“Ironclad” solidarity among Americans, Korean-Americans, Asian-Americans, people in Korea, Japan, and China against the threat of a nuclear war!


1. Daily peace prayer in Seoul ahead of Mr. Trump’s visit to Asia. 220 Korean civil groups appeal for peace ahead of Trump’s visit to Korea. They will hold major peace marches and call for global solidarity for peace.

Everyday 7 pm, Peace Mass at the Kwanghwamoon Plaza, Seoul.

Please come to the Kwanghwamoon Plaza, join Father Moon Jeong-hyun, lit your peace candle, read, sing, knit, try wood engraving and etching, practice Korean calligraphy, etc.

Father Moon: “Peace is not going to come by force but rather by our solidarity to defend people’s sovereignty. I will give all my body and soul to pray for peace and against war. I sincerely wish that this bright candlelight that we are going to lit in the Kwanghwamoon Plaza for peace [during Mr. Trump’s visit to Korea] will shine and shed light in the darkness and spread to the entire world.”

Article in Korean, Father Moon begins his peace prayer ahead of Mr. Trump’s visit to Asia: 문 신부는 평화는 힘으로 만들어지는 것이 아니라 국민주권을 지키려는 우리의 연대로 가능하다저는 온몸으로 반전평화의 기도를 바칠 것이라고 다짐하고 광화문 광장에서 우리가 함게 드는 반전평화의 환한 촛불이 온 세상의 평화를 지키는 빛으로 퍼져나가기를 간절히 소망한다고 밝혔다. http://www.tongilnews.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=122591



2. No War in the Korean Peninsula, Unconditional Talks and “Freeze-For-Freeze” to Avert War and Start Peace Process! from the “Korea Collaboration”. 한반도 전쟁 결사 반대, 북한과 무조건 대화 촉구 미국내 평화 그룹 코리아 콜레버레이션


3. "The nuclear dreams of President Donald Trump" Nightmare Past and Present. Salon


Preventing a nuclear war between the United States and North Korea may be the most pressing challenge facing the world right now....Congress would still have time to stop this madness, if it had the courage to do so. There are a number of actions it could take, including passing a law that would require a unanimous decision by a specified group of people (for example, officials like the secretaries of state and defense together with the congressional leadership) for a nuclear first strike. Congress should act while there is still time. Removing Trump’s ability to unilaterally launch a nuclear attack might ease some fears in Pyongyang. And the rest of us might once again be able to sleep at night.





4. Tim Shorrock. The U.S. Military’s Role in Asia in the Age of Trump. War is Boring. 팀 슈락 기자. 미국 반전 평화 운동가들과 시민 단체는 동북아시아 평화 운동가들과 연대 해야. 미국은 친일 정책에서 벗어나 한반도에 평화 정착 추구해야


In the meantime, there has been an escalation of military and economic pressure on North Korea, including flights of U.S. nuclear-armed stealth B-2 bombers into Korean skies and intensified unilateral economic sanctions against dictator Kim Jong-Un and many of his top military aides. The U.N. Security Council, with China’s support, recently endorsed some sanctions as well. ..Stepped-up military exercises with South Korea have included practicingboth preemptive strikes on the North’s nuclear sites and the “decapitation” of that country’s leaders. In other words, to use a phrase that previously hadn’t made it out of the Greater Middle East and North Africa: regime change. Unfortunately, while the Pentagon has been focused on the military situation in Asia, the American anti-war movement has largely left Asia behind in the decades since the Vietnam War ended. As we adjust to life under Trump, it might be wise to start looking again for alternatives to our militaristic policies in Asia, for more equitable ties with Japan and South Korea and for a shift away from confrontation with North Korea and China. Perhaps the massive demonstrations and candlelight vigils that have brought millions of people into the streets of Seoul and other Korean cities, despite the volatile security situation in East Asia,could show us the way.




5. Prof. John Delury, Yeonsei University, “The spirit of democracy that made possible Korea’s candlelight revolution is possible only in peace” (article in Korean) 촛불운동 동안 보인 민주주의 정신은 평화의 전제 아래에서만 가능하다. 한국인들은 1년 전을 돌아보면서 자랑스러워할 대목이 많다. 세계를 향해 민주주의의 교훈을 주었다. 어쩌면 지금은 세계에 또 다른 교훈을 주어야 할 때인지도 모른다. 이번에는 평화를 위해 어떻게 싸워야 하는지에 대한 교훈이 될 것이다.


The candlelight revolution has not endedThe threat of war by the United States can extinguish the candlelight. Through the candlelight revolution, people in South Korea has taught the rest of world a lesson of democracySouth Korea may offer another lesson. This time it will be a lesson about how to fight for peace. http://m.khan.co.kr/view.html?artid=201710292258005&code=940100&med_id=khan



6. Brian Becker’s Loud and Clear's interview with Simone Chun. At the bring brink: U.S. war drive against the DPRK enters dangerous stage. A huge military buildup by the U.S. navy within striking distance of North Korea has the region and the word on edge as the Trump administration’s full court press continues (my apologies for shamelessly promoting my own interview)

Trump will use this trip to sell his war agenda and more weapons to Korea.

There is no such thing as a limited conflict when it comes to the Korean Peninsula.

Nuclear weapons will not discriminate anyone; they won’t distinguish among Korean, Japanese, American, etc.. We will all die...I truly appreciate our American lawmakers and peace activists who are trying to prevent Trump from any preemptive strike against North Korea. https://www.spreaker.com/user/radiosputnik/loud-clear-447-seg4-sprkr



Korean peace prayer led by Father Moon Jeong-hyun ahead of Mr. Trump’s visit to Korea




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An American activist for peace in the Korean Peninsula, White House






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시몬 천

노스웨스턴대 국제정치학 강사


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