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(QUEENS, NY) On Tuesday, State Senator Tony Avella proudly presented Ms. Christine Colligan with a ¡°Women of Distinction¡± award from the New York State Senate, honoring the work she has done throughout the borough of Queens.
With each Senator selecting a different honoree from their district to be recognized, Senator Avella chose Ms. Colligan, a Flushing resident, as his nominee for the annual award because of the work she has done to improve the lives of families across Queens. Currently serving as President of the Korean American Parents Association of Greater New York (KAPA-GNY), Ms. Colligan has dedicated her life to serving not only the Korean community, but families throughout the entire borough.
In her work at KAPA-GNY, Ms. Colligan has implemented several programs and services that allow parents to better connect with their children¡¯s schools and allow them to have more of a say on what takes place. She holds monthly workshops where parents are invited to attend and receive the latest information and announcements from the New York City Department of Education. The workshops also include sessions on how to get involved in a child¡¯s education and how to help them achieve to the best of their ability.
Since coming to New York in 1984, Ms. Colligan has worked as a translator to help Korean-American students succeed in school. In 2008, she launched a program that allowed a group of Korean teachers to visit New York City schools and observe how the American education system operates as well as share some of their own ideas. Ms. Colligan served as an ambassador of Teach and Learn in Korea, a scholarship program for American college students interested in teaching English in rural areas of Korea.

Ms. Colligan has supported the Korean community through her push to pass Senator Avella¡¯s legislation that would require school textbooks to refer to the Sea of Japan dually as the East Sea. She has also been a major advocate in the fight to require DOE to close schools on Lunar New Year, one of the most significant holidays in the Asian community.
¡°Anyone who knows Ms. Colligan knows her involvement in the community. Day in and day out, she remains dedicated to ensuring that families all over the city, not just in the Korean community, have the best possible quality of life they can have. Ms. Colligan¡¯s core values of family and education are mirrored in the work she has done to improve the lives of the countless people she has touched over the last 30 years, and her work should serve as an inspiration and reminder to us all that there is always a way to help others. For these reasons, I am honored to have nominated Ms. Colligan as a Woman of Distinction and I congratulate her on this great accomplishment,¡± said Senator Avella.